What’s Wrong with Free Will?

Q. What is wrong with free will? A. You get what you want. So, it has been a while since my last post, so I thought I would kick this one off with a little philosophical musing. Don’t worry, it’s still plenty techie. So, I have been pondering all...

Have I Been Pwnd?

So my daughter complained about yesterday’s inaugural Cyberprairie post as being “too long.”   She looked at me while “smh’ing” and protested, “Tips are supposed to be short!”  Well it is my intent to provide brief, but informative articles of interest, so I am not going to let her opinion...

Password Managers

IMPORTANT UPDATE (March 1, 2023) – I can no longer recommend LastPass as a safe reliable password manager.  I would highly recommend choosing another password manager given the repeated news releases regarding last year’s breach and the unfolding developments.  https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/02/lastpass-hackers-infected-employees-home-computer-and-stole-corporate-vault/ ——– I know. I know. You have a Facebook...

Mile Marker 54

Journey started long ago, Where this road leads, I do not know Yet one thing I’m sure of, as I go, The One who sits beside me is in control My hands are on the wheel, that is true, But without my Compass, I would be through Neither empty...